The isolated town of Walhalla in Victoria’s Alpine region will be the backdrop for a new Hollywood film starring Liam Neeson when filming begins in January 2024. The film, a sequel to The Ice Road (2021), will feature the town of Walhalla, including landmarks such as the Star Hotel as it is made to look like the town of Kodari in Nepal.
Filming at this stage will take place from January 16 to 24. The Star Hotel, Walhalla Rotunda, and Fire Station Museum will all be painted for filming, but will be returned to their heritage colours once filming has wrapped in Walhalla. Up to 200 crew members will be in the town during the filming period. The production company, Servo Productions, sent a letter to locals and businesses:
During the filming period, there will be stunts involving large vehicles, special effects and prop gun use,” Servo Productions said in the letter to locals.
Traffic Management will be in place to support crew and public vehicles, as well as onsite personnel to guide members of the public.
We are requesting a temporary slower speed limit and use of traffic management on filming days to ensure safety for our crew and members of the public.
Main Rd will remain open, however short delays of up to 10 minutes are to be expected at various times during the filming period.
We will endeavour to minimise disruption to locals and visitors as much as possible.
Servo Productions