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Tag: rodeo

This Is My First Rodeo
The tiny outback town of Tibooburra, renowned for being the hottest place in NSW, hosts an annual gymkhana, bikekhana and rodeo each Spring.  As a fresh-to-the-outback, former city-slicker, I had to know whether the rodeo experience lived up to my romantic yet uninformed idea of it: a blur of line dancing, cowboy boots and something…
A rodeo rider competing in a horse riding event at the Kyabram Rodeo.
The Kyabram Rodeo Returns Labour Day Weekend
After being cancelled due to the pandemic in 2021, the Kyabram Rodeo—one of Australia's longest-running rodeos—is back this Labour Day long weekend. Established in 1946, the Kybram Rodeo is held annually on the Friday of the Labor Day weekend and forms a trifecta of rodeos with events in Merrijig, and Chiltern following over the long…
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