Much of Australia’s regional areas in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and Queensland are currently burning at a rapid rate.
Communities have been cut off from major centres, and this fire season is still in its infancy.
Donations of money are the best way to help these fire-affected communities, politicians have mentioned that while supplies are great it is increasingly hard to get these into areas to distribute.
Here’s a list of reputable places to donate to help these struggling communities:
- Bushfire Disaster Fund | Vic Emergency and Bendigo Bank have set up the Bushfire Disaster Fund to help distribute money where it’s needed. You can donate via the link, or at any Bendigo Bank branch.
- Red Cross Disaster Relief | Red Cross has teamed up with the ABC to help the thousands of people in evacuation centres throughout Victoria and New South Wales.
- Salvation Army Disaster Appeal | Salvation Army provides catering to emergency workers throughout affected regions.
- CFA | CFA Victoria is pointing people who wish to donate to the Bushfire Disaster Fund as mentioned in point #1. Link here.
- Wildlife Victoria | Wildlife Victoria is working in fire-affected regions to help save wildlife and keep them from harm’s way.
- Foodbank | Foodbank is able to get supplies into fire-affected regions. Getting much-needed food and drink to those who need it.
- Fire Relief Fund For First Nations Communities | Help those being displaced by fires.
- WIRES Bushfire Emergency Appeal | Helping out animals affected by bushfires.
- WWF Australia Bushfire And Koala Appeal | As above.
- RSPCA Bushfire Appeal | The RSPCA is also helping out the effort to save animals.